Wednesday, November 20, 2013

An Introduction to Leopard Geckos

Here is an example of a healthy gecko. This one is mine.

Leopard geckos are some of the best pet reptiles you can get as long as you can give them the care they need. They are popular and well known because they are cute, docile, and easy to care for, but they are not for everyone. They can live up to 20 years, and may suffer from a variety of health problems, such as obesity, malnourishment, metabolic bone disease, and impaction. As said by "Secrets to Save your Leopard Gecko", 86.5% of leopard geckos die within two years of captivity! Even if you can take care of it properly, you still have to take care of it for 20 years. If you can take care of it, but you don't want it for that long, get an adult gecko. Leopard geckos are widely available, but there are so many that I recommend getting one from a reptile rescue so you don't support bringing more into the world. As I said before, they can be great pets, but you need to make sure you are ready to bring one into your household.

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